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Thorough examination


Access platforms are designed to help people work at height safely and productively. A big element of health and safety is ensuring that Genie booms, scissors and personnel lifts are in perfect working order.

UK Government legislation states that the employer or owner is responsible for any lifting equipment on site and is legally obliged to maintain it in a safe working condition for the operator.

All Genie lifts are therefore subject to regular thorough examination – similar to a car’s MoT. It provides a report which identifies whether or not the equipment is safe for use, and any advice on defects found that need to be corrected. This legislation is called the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 98 (LOLER).


Advice and Experience you can rely on

Our engineers are fully trained and competent in the examination, diagnosis and repair of all push-around lifts, booms and scissors. Our engineers are trained to a high level and possess a vast amount of engineering experience combined with industry expertise. With this in mind, you can be confident in your equipment, our services and most importantly – your safety whilst working at height!

To enquire about obtaining a Report of Thorough Examination, or if you just want to talk technical with someone, you can contact our service support team on 01908 756 056 or email

What does Loler mean?

The LOLER 98 regulations state that: “…all equipment must be thoroughly examined by a competent person at least every 6 months or more frequently if used in a hostile environment”.

This means a qualified person must carry out what is called thorough examination of your Genie scissors, booms and personnel lifts twice a year. The equipment will receive a Report of Thorough Examination, in the same way as your car or van receives an MoT certificate. This report must be kept on file, and readily available if requested.


First class service for
all your access platforms


Whether you are looking to have an existing machine serviced, fully refurbished or you have equipment out in the field which needs repair quickly and cost efficiently, you can rely on us to help.

We have a 5000sq ft workshop that can accommodate all manner of tasks, ranging from small repars, major repairs, refurbishments through to load certification and boom and chain inspections, all in a safe, secure and covered environment.

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